Localization for ecommerce apps

Right now is the best time for internationalizing online shops. And, if we want to take advantage of this, then localization for e-commerce apps is certainly the way to go. Mobile commerce is a rapidly growing e-commerce channel, and mobile apps for e-commerce are all the rage.

Smartphones and mobile apps

The emergence of smartphones has revolutionized the landscape of e-commerce. The portable nature of these devices has made user’s lives a whole lot easier, as they can now make purchases whenever and wherever they want.

Many online stores are already aware of the need to create responsive platforms that adapt to mobile formats. Just think how user experience has improved since the early years of smartphones.

However, when dealing with e-commerce mobile app development, optimization is much more involved. There are a host of benefits. On the one hand, they allow us to access the latest releases, as well as the permanent catalogue of products, without having to search through the browser.

On the other hand, there is infinitely greater potential for customer loyalty and to customize purchase experience. In fact, according to OuterBox, at least 79% of users who purchased online did so using an app for mobile.

Translating mobile apps

Mobile apps are what set smartphones apart, and e-commerce companies need to realize the huge potential for growth in this channel. This is why investing in the development and translation of apps is a safe bet for online shops in their growth and internationalization strategies.

In any case, we need to understand that localization for e-commerce apps requires the work of both professional linguists and cultural professionals. Ultimately, the main purpose of localizing an app for mobile is to provide optimum usability, which encompasses a host of factors.

At this point, we should mention that there is also a particular subsector of the software field that requires localization: Software as a Service (SaaS) apps. Did you know that SaaS localization also requires the work of translation and localization professionals? You can find out more about the benefits of SaaS localization here.

Things to consider for the localization of e-commerce apps

If we turn to a translation service for companies to localize our app, we must make sure that the adapted content doesn’t lose its marketing character. In other words, it must be attractive, but also adapt to the functions and possibilities of mobile devices, especially in terms of characters used and buttons to interact with the mobile app.

There are a few things we must consider for the localization of e-commerce apps translation, for example:

  • Specifying the currency, appropriate date and time format and product sizes, for example, according to the target market of the app. We must also consider the appropriate legal specifics.
  • The design is crucial if we want to successfully localize and develop mobile apps. Something as unassuming as a colour could even have negative connotations in other cultures.

Ultimately, e-commerce mobile apps are a sales channel with huge potential. Developing and localizing mobile apps for e-commerce is a safe strategy. However, it can only be done by professional translators.

That’s why we say online shops and professional translation agencies go hand in hand on the road to internationalization. Catch our tips for internationalizing your online shop here.

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

CEO de Ontranslation y Ontraining, Óscar es experto en internacionalización, Traducción SEO y comunicación intercultural. Con más de 14 años de experiencia, un máster en Tradumática y un MBA, combina su labor como consultor con la docencia en la UAB, donde forma a traductores profesionales en SEO y SEM. Sus estrategias y conocimientos ayudan a marcas globales a superar barreras culturales y alcanzar el éxito en mercados internacionales.

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