WordPress translation with WPML

Trust in our professional translators to make your website international and start selling more abroad. Forget about how to extract the content from your website. We will do it for you!


WordPress is the most used CMS in the world


50% of websites are based on CMS and 30% of them use WordPress. In fact, WordPress’s market share among CMS is around 60%. You can’t argue with numbers like those.

Naturally, your website has been made with WordPress. This reflects its drive for perfection: it bolsters your position in the local market as the ideal way for displaying your services. But now it’s time to go further. Internationalisation is key for growing your business and, to do this, you need to make the leap to having a multi-language online channel. However…

What problems do you normally face when translating your WordPress site?

  • You didn’t know how to extract the content from your website in an agile manner to request quotes for translation.
  • You also don’t have time to copy and paste it all into a Word document by hand.
  • However, you’re also concerned about giving third parties access to the back end of your website and relinquishing control.
  • Let’s not even start on uploading the translations… How would you know where to upload each text?

How to translate my WordPress using WPML?

WPML is a WordPress-specific plugin that allows you to create multilingual websites and translate them. Thanks to WPML, you can translate your webpages, blog entries, strings, etc. with the greatest of ease. The best thing of all is that you can work with professional translators to get this done.

And if you don’t have WPML yet, get it here. Don’t wait; start enjoying all the advantages of your WordPress translation with WPML and Ontranslation!

Already got WPML? Then learn how to translate your content with Ontranslation with this step-by-step guide.


We’re certified as translation service providers for WPML

We provide you with the experience our team of professional translators combined with absolute technical mastery of WPML.

We have over 5 years’ experience working with WordPress translations using WPML in multiple languages and WordPress themes that are no mystery for us.

The most important part is that it will have various direct benefits for your business. Let’s have a look into what it could do for you.

The advantages of translating WordPress with WPML and Ontranslation

Working with WPML and Ontranslation is swift and simple

WPML has an integrated intuitive interface.

Firstly, this will allow you to select Ontranslation as your translation firm without any middlemen. Secondly, it organises all of the content on your WordPress site in a simple way. Thank to this, it’s easy to select the texts that you want to translate and send them directly to a trustworthy company that has a team of professional native translators.

But that’s not all. When Ontranslation finishes off the translations, WPML uploads them automatically to their original place. There’s no need for technical processes. Utmost simplicity for the greatest time efficiency.

WordPress translation with WPML and Ontranslation helps you save on costs

Of course. Apart from making the process easier and ensuring that the content that you really need gets translated, WordPress translation with WPML with Ontranslation will help you save costs. How? Thanks to two things: compatibility with XLIFF files with CAT tools and outsourcing the work to a professional translation agency.

CAT software allows us to analyse the internal repetitions in file and work with translation memories. Thanks to this first function, here at Ontranslation we can cut the cost of your transslation: translation memories contain segments that have already been translated for each client and automatically detect fragments of content that previously been translated.

If you need to update a page that’s already been translated with a few new changes, you’ll only pay for the completely new content.

You’ll get maximum compatibility with WPML

WordPress translation with WPML is based around the XLIFF format. This XML-based format is used specifically for localising websites and is the standard for the sector. In other words, WordPress sited are translated using WPML through archives that are compatible with all the most used computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools in the industry such as SDL Trados and OmegaT.

As a result, you’ll get documents that keep all of the information on your pages: sometimesthe most chaotic moment in web translation projects is uploading the translated content. There could be problems with the format, a loss of the original design, etc. With the XLIFF file generated by WPML, this is now just a thing of the past.

These are specifically designed to keep all the information and, most importantly, upload it back onto your website automatically. In just one click! You get maximum efficiency by minimising any subsequent work for editing and galley proofs. What’s more, you can ensure that all the content you need gets translated.

Everything is within your reach

Manually exporting the content from a WordPress involves two fundamental problems.

Firstly, it’s slow and tedious. Secondly, it’s easy to forget to extract an important part or you might not be able to find it, meaning that it doesn’t get translated. This is particularly likely when it comes to strings and other content that is difficult to access. This kind of text tends to be difficult to access at the back end if you don’t have expert knowledge.

At the same time, this content is normally on plain view for people browsing your website (in footers, warnings, pop-up messages, etc.). Fortunately, WordPress translation with WPML makes this much simpler. The WPML dashboard allows you to select all the content you want to translate and doesn’t leave anything out. It breaks it down into sections that you can easily select with just a click. If you select everything, you can make sure that it all gets translated without any issues.

Translate your website with Ontranslation and WPML

Get the most out of your WPML, get reassurance. and save time and money, so that you can invest all your money in your real business. You’ll never have to worry about slow and tedious extractions which are really prone to errors. Needing technical knowledge to upload translations on to your WordPress site is a thing of the past.

The complexity and level of involvement for subsequent galley proofing is kept to a minimum. All of the time that you save thanks to the WPML features means that you can manage your business more effectively. Your core business will be the main focus of your strategy, as well it should.

In this manual, you’ll find everything you need to know to translate WordPress with WPML. And here you’ll discover how to get an idea of how many words are on the pages you need to translate.


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