How to translate a presentation for international investors

If you want to get international investment for your business, you should ask yourself how to translate a presentation for international investors. It is common knowledge that some of the best companies started out as small start-ups looking for funding, and they found it thanks in part to a quality PowerPoint presentation.

Creating a start-up pitch deck may seem like a simple step, but it is the first image that we must take care of if we want to get people interested in our project. Nowadays, to limit yourself within your own borders is a mistake. Expand yourself outside of your borders, don’t let others get there before you. Ask yourself, how to translate my pitch deck for international investors?


Translating is pointless if we do not convey our message well

When it comes to translating the presentation for international investors, we must be very mindful of the terminology. Translating for a renewable energy company is not the same as translating for a new social app, for example. As you may know, there are specialised translators for each case.

Consider the view of the world of those to whom we are making the proposal. The ways of expression of Australian English are not the same as those of Irish English, or those of French from a Quebecer or a person from Brittany. Find someone local and familiar with your sector who understands the linguistic variety of your potential investors.


Key points when translating your pitch deck for international investors

If you are thinking about how to translate a presentation for international investors, you should keep in mind who these investors are. There are key points of a pitch deck that can vary from one culture or language to another, and it is important to work carefully.

Our business concept

Similes with real companies are often used to describe a business concept.

For example, “we are the Amazon of tourism”.

But, be clear on what simile your potential international investors can best understand, and localise if necessary.

If they are Chinese for example, it will be “the Alibaba of European tourism”.

Problems and solutions

Companies make each other’s lives easier by providing solutions. Saying that, the problems are not international. It is important to tell a culturally adapted story when translating a PowerPoint for investors.

Depending on where they are from, you will have to remove issues such as sexual connotations or cultural stereotypes such as “every family has a car”, which is unrealistic in some countries.

Explain the market, your team and how the latter fits into the first.

Being particularly clear and explanatory is crucial when translating the presentation for international investors if the market we are targeting is not that of the investors.

Don’t take things for granted and explain who your clients are, what their lifestyles are, etc. Furthermore, be transparent when it comes to explaining what competition you have (or why there isn’t any), what marketing channels are most effective in the destination country, why your team is the best, etc.


A mistake can disrupt everything when translating my presentation for international investors

In addition, we must carry out a professional revision, both spelling and proofreading.

There is only one thing easier than making a mistake: spotting one. It is essential to rely on second language professionals to proofread the presentation after translating it for international investors.

Don’t let a simple error ruin everything!


A professional linguistic team is the best accompaniment for finding new investors

A translation agency will find the right team to translate your pitch deck for international investors.

They will combine the skills of people with knowledge in your field and native speakers of the source language with the expertise of spell checkers and proofreaders.

Trusting professional translators is key to attracting international investors!

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

Es el CEO de Ontranslation y dedica algunos ratos libres a escribir en este blog para compartir sus conocimientos sobre internacionalización, cross-border ecommerce y Traducción SEO. No es para menos, ya que entre su formación cuenta con una licenciatura en filología inglesa, un máster en tradumática, un posgrado en elearning y un MBA. En definitiva, una declaración de intenciones donde la cultura y los idiomas se sirven mezclados, no agitados.

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