Translate YouTube video with professional audiovisual translators
To translate YouTube video, especially corporate or product-based, can boost your international expansion. When compared to written communication, using video… Read more >
Professional video voice-over is a separate world within communications. A voice can convey many things, right? We’ve all been dazzled by a person’s voice or even irritated by someone’s voice.
And no, not all of us react the same way when we hear different characteristics of a voice. There are those who are repelled by the Irish accent, and those who would like to move to the Emerald Isle just to listen to the beauty of it every day! In professional video voice-overs, nothing is written, but there are formulas that seem to work. We’ll explain.
The neutral voice doesn’t exist. Therefore, knowing your clients is essential to connect with them. There are many ways of detecting your target audience, use them to carry out your professional video voice-over, select a voice that works with the market.
Are you addressing children? If so, use the voice of a slightly older child… If you’re selling something solely for a female audience (intimate hygiene products, for example), use a complimentary voice which viewers can relate to and be sure of its privacy.
The channels on which you are going to broadcast a video are worth mentioning. Video voice-overs for TV are not the same as those for YouTube or corporate videos.
We can rely on much better segmentation than when we advertise on TV. We’ll reach our target audience more directly on digital platforms, so our video will be able to address our potential clients more directly.
The voice-over may be more informal, using specific linguistic terms of that sector of the population, or we could do several voice-overs with different accents attending to different geographical areas, for example (something that on TV we could only do by advertising on regional channels).
We cannot be too streetwise in a video that could be seen by our creditors or shareholders, unless they like us to be. A corporate video is usually more serious, and therefore good professional video voice-over will include voices that convey peace of mind and security, for example.
But beware of gender bias, according to research by the Rey Juan Carlos University, serious female voices generate more favourable attitudes towards an advertisement or a brand.
Finally, there are some basic mistakes that can be made when getting video voice-overs from professional voice-over artists or a voice bank.
Professional video voice-over is a world of its own. We’ve only given you a glimpse of the many aspects that influence it. We hope that you remember the basics, and that it’s clear that there is a proper system for good results.
Select well who you want to address and through which channel, then explain it to us and we’ll select the voices that best fit the profiles you outlined.
Do you want your voice to be heard?
To translate YouTube video, especially corporate or product-based, can boost your international expansion. When compared to written communication, using video… Read more >
We get to the office, turn on the computer and there’s a new email in our inbox: “Translation quote”. It… Read more >
Hiring translation services could be the turning point in your company’s history. Many companies that want to start selling abroad… Read more >