Why translation services are important for the retail sector?

The retail sector and the brand language are not very far away. In the retail sector, public image is what matters most, of course. Any company with retail experience knows that it must take special care of its products’ image. We see it every day in marketing: the best packaging, a good design…

But many people forget about the importance of the text that goes with a product. There is a lot of language around the retail sector, and taking care of it will make a difference in terms of consumers’ purchasing decisions.

Retail channels and brand language

Communicating in this sector involves taking care of many texts that will be public. The retail sector is a sector in which communicating flows through many different channels:


Ads, through whichever medium, obviously have a very important role in the sale of a product. Language is the vehicle of the message ads convey, and underestimating it is a mistake.

The product’s background in a shop

The description of the product in the supermarket’s catalogue, on the labels or when advertising a discount are examples of this channel.


The retail sector is increasingly dependent on ecommerce to sell products. People choose online shopping more and more, so taking care of a product’s in these platforms becomes essential if we want to adapt to the new times.

The product itself

We can’t forget products have labels, instructions… All these elements are key to customer loyalty, so we have to take care of them.

Language makes products attractive

When we talk about image, we often just think of visual aspects, but image is not just a product’s design. The message we convey in the retail sector through all the channels mentioned above is essential for the customer to understand our brand’s values and align with them.

In addition, we need to take care of language both in our market and in others:

Copywriting and brand language

We often forget to adapt to a market because we think it’s a market we know well. We are overly confident. We need to know our target, their cultural ideas, their ambitions and points of view… And for the attention we pay the client to be clearly visible, we have to apply this knowledge to our message.

Good copywriting, with a coherent narrative, and a well written text, without spelling mistakes, will make our brand stand out.

The language of localisation

When it comes to entering another market (to internationalise), many think that translating into the standard target language is enough. And you can guess how that works out. Nowadays, translation is called localisation, and rather than about changing some words for others, 

it’s about understanding our target market and adapting our message. Only translating a message to another language won’t work, especially in the retail sector, which is aimed at the general public, where cultural differences are more obvious.

We buy products according to our world-view, with our culture. A product’s message will have to be in the same line to make us want to buy it. That is why it is so important to turn to translation and communication experts to help us achieve our goal and stand out in the retail sector.

In the retail sector, you better take care of your language

The retail sector is aimed at people on the street, at the general public. It uses multiple communication channels that we have to take care of, and we can’t forget to take care of our company’s verbal image.

Texts say a lot about who we are, we have to show our clients we know them and their interests both in our market and in others.

Do you need advice? Contact us!

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

Es el CEO de Ontranslation y dedica algunos ratos libres a escribir en este blog para compartir sus conocimientos sobre internacionalización, cross-border ecommerce y Traducción SEO. No es para menos, ya que entre su formación cuenta con una licenciatura en filología inglesa, un máster en tradumática, un posgrado en elearning y un MBA. En definitiva, una declaración de intenciones donde la cultura y los idiomas se sirven mezclados, no agitados.

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