Translation services for import and export trading companies

Thanks to the Internet, in today’s globalised world, translation services for import and export  companies is essential. We buy and sell products in international markets, and these markets consist of languages and cultures different from our own. International trade can provide many challenges for import and export trading companies.

Whether we are buying or selling goods, it’s important to take care of the documents required for import and export. However, there are differences in the way we understand our multilingual communication. Attracting a foreign audience is crucial!


Translation is key to importing or exporting goods

Our texts are essentially brand images. From the emails we send to clients or suppliers, to the product descriptions in our e-commerce, everything we write portrays an image of our company that we must not neglect.

Likewise, communication with our international clients or suppliers is crucial! Fluid communication is a plus that allows us to increase our international trade. This ultimately helps us to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that our international business comes to fruition.

However, international communication is not the same whether we import or export. Customs documents change, and with them the most important communicative aspects we must look after. After all, it’s not the same being the seller as the buyer, is it?


Translation services for importing goods

Forget about the phrase “the customer is always right.” We prefer to extend it: “the client is right as long as they make themselves understood”. And it’s not salesmanship or anything like that. It’s simple: if someone doesn’t understand you, they will hardly be able to meet your needs.

There are several important points to consider regarding multilingual communication when importing goods:

  • Make sure you know your international suppliers well, what they tell you and what exactly they sell. Translate their most important emails with a professional translator or meet with a professional interpreter to make sure everything is clear before you start importing goods from other countries.
  • Understand all the necessary legal documents in the country where you’re purchasing, so that the purchase is legal: invoices, bills of lading, certificates of origin… Also, make sure you know what documents you need to have translated in order to present them to the British authorities. Is a regular translation good enough or will you require a sworn translation of documents to engage in international trade?
  • Maintain good rapport with the carrier, as well as with your supplier. Avail of the services of a professional translation team if necessary to address these issues. There are countries where it is better to deal with a local carrier as in the case of China. Remember that gestures and culture often play an important role in negotiations.


Translation services for exporting goods to other countries

The other side of the coin of international trade is, of course, the export of goods. And there are many more aspects to keep in mind, since we are now the sellers. Here the dynamic changes: the customer is always right, end of.

If we ensure to communicate effectively in the countries where we’re going to sell our products (either by doing it directly or through third parties) then we’re well on our way. Just as when we import goods from other countries, we want to understand (and must work to do so), when we export we want to be understood.

If working with third parties who distribute your product, make the limits and guidelines they have to follow extremely clear. How? Well, obviously, in their language. Trust a team of professional translators or interpreters. They’ll be able to communicate perfectly with local distributors, maintaining the image of your brand without forgetting the linguistic and cultural aspects.

And if your company sells directly to another country... Congratulations! You’re embarking on an adventure that will let you reap the rewards!

If you export goods to other countries without a local distributor, here are some tips:

Don’t cut corners: translating your website is key

If you’re targeting several markets with a common language, consider the different varieties of your website translation (e.g. Portuguese from Brazil and Portugal). Adapt the messages to each variant of the language, or at least try to make the translation as neutral as possible. Be careful not to use very local expressions, if your audience is wide. Either segment them or eliminate them.

Trust expert translators who are skilled in transcreation (a creative translation sensitive to context and culture), to make your messages connect with your audience. In addition, hire  content writing or SEO-optimized translation services and you will be better positioned in international search engines.

Take care of ALL messages

From instruction manuals to emails, corporate videos or an automatic message on the phone, everything communicates an image of your company.

Therefore, you must be assured that any channel of communication with your international audience is correctly expressed, without errors and without damaging cultural sensitivity.

Build loyalty with your international customers

Make the customer experience the priority both at home and in other markets. We have already explained the benefits it has earlier in this blog. Let us refresh your memory a little: a happy customer is a repeat customer who will recommend you to others.

Your messages should make them feel at home!


Translation for importing and exporting goods

Whether you import or export goods, take care of your international communication so that it’s smooth and effective. If we minimize any misunderstandings in the buying process, make ourselves understood and connect with our international customers in their language and consider their culture, we are halfway there.

A quality translation agency that understands the international markets you are dealing with will know how to offer you the tools so that, even if you are a foreigner, you will pass for a local. Trust professional translators to live up to your great adventure!

Ready to go? Contact us!

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

CEO de Ontranslation y Ontraining, Óscar es experto en internacionalización, Traducción SEO y comunicación intercultural. Con más de 14 años de experiencia, un máster en Tradumática y un MBA, combina su labor como consultor con la docencia en la UAB, donde forma a traductores profesionales en traducción SEO y SEM. Sus estrategias y conocimientos ayudan a marcas globales a superar barreras culturales y alcanzar el éxito en mercados internacionales.

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