Translation for international dropshipping ecommerce sites
Translation for international dropshipping by a professional translation agency is essential if you want to reach your end clients in… Read more >
International web positioning is gaining force, that’s a fact. Online shopping has become a cross border experience, where customers are used to purchasing products from their own country and from other countries. Within this context, to have your business ranking higher in Google is a must. But how can you boost the international sales for your business?
Here you have some advice that will make your international sales skyrocket thanks to professional cultural and translation services.
International web positioning should be aimed towards countries that you believe your product or service is going to be relevant. What’s the point in expanding your business to the entire world?
If you are about to conduct an international market research, you should at least check:
Choose one country wisely and set your strategy in this way.
Once you have completed your market research and chosen a target audience, study their behaviour when searching on Google.
Choose specific keywords that can be relevant for them, and you will have one of the most important parts of a good international website positioning.
A certain social group may be more interested in a particular food product because it is environmentally friendly, or because this same product is artisanal or traditional. Find out which cultural differences come to play and use them to your benefit.
It is important to know how you are going to relate to your international customers. Ask yourself, which channels you are going to use to communicate internationally. And don’t forget the existing conventions of each channel.
Questions such as:
Counting on multilingual communication professionals will be a great help.
It is one thing to know how your potential customers perform searches on Google. But it is a much different thing to gather in-depth knowledge about their likes, their motives, their way of life or their shopping habits.
If you want your international sales strategy to be effective, you need to know the sector of the population you are targeting well.
Don’t spare any expense when doing market research. Remember, information is power!
Once you know your target audience, you cannot stand still. In order to benchmark your business abroad, you should take into account how you are doing to address a message appropriate to your audience.
Familiarise yourself with the sociolect (a dialect of a specific social group) of your target audience and use it, to tell a more consistent story.
Expert SEO copywriting services will be key to engage your target audience.
Looking for benchmarking your business abroad? Don’t miss out any of these key aspects: conduct an international market research, look for appropriate keywords, think about how and where you will send your messages, and understand your customers in order to connect with them.
Having troubles finding the right path to your business international growth? Don’t hesitate and contact us!
Translation for international dropshipping by a professional translation agency is essential if you want to reach your end clients in… Read more >
Black Friday. A day of unmissable deals, frantic shopping, and unmatched opportunities for businesses. But here’s a question for you:… Read more >
Translating newsletters is a necessary step in an international email marketing strategy. Thanks to landing pages in other languages, we… Read more >