Why translate a landing page in another language?

To translate a landing page in another language is key to our international communication and marketing strategy if we are going to sell products or services abroad.

Landing pages are essential tools when it comes to obtaining quality leads in any business. Users reach them through search engines, advertisements or blog posts to request more information.

Creating a landing page or lead capture page for foreign markets is an option that more and more companies are valuing. It’s an effective strategy used by landing page experts when researching a new market and looking for potential international clients. Here is everything you’ll need!

Why make a landing page for foreign markets?

A landing page attracts leads (information about potential clients, whom we can contact in the future) through a call to action: a contact form used to download an e-book, useful material, etc.

Lead capture pages are usually quite visual and display little content. They focus on a specific service or product of our business that we want to promote.


Imagine that we have an e-commerce selling British collector items and antiques. After a study, we find that in France, collector items and antiques could be a hit. Creating a landing page in French that explains the value of these items and offers information in exchange for registration could be really useful.

We’ll get leads from potential clients which won’t just be interested in some items, but also in the rest of the products we have in our online store. Making contacts is the first step to selling online!


But how do users get to my landing page?

A landing page can be reached from anywhere and this is where our international content marketing strategy must start. It’s just as important to create an international landing page in other languages as it is to take care of the channels that lead to it, also in other languages.

Payment strategies

A good option to use are the paid services of the technological giants: Facebook, Google or Instagram for example.

  • We could run an international Google Ads campaign. If we find a market, we can ask Google Ads to advertise us there. Either as text advertisements or in the form of banners, on websites related to our products and services.
  • Depending on the type of business we have, Facebook and Instagram have become major sales channels. Creating an international Facebook or Instagram Ads campaign that leads to our landing page could be a real success.

Organic strategies for attracting international leads

If we opt for organic strategies, we’ll have to work on the international SEO of our website. Don’t expect immediate results. Analyse which searches found your site, whether there is an intention to buy and how long users browse your site for. Only then will we know if it’s worth translating the whole website or online store for the new market.

Here, we no longer have a lead capture page, which is usually a single page. But we have created a reduced version usually in another section of our home page.

In fact, microsites revolve around a few related services or products. This will help us check if the said market we want to address is interested in our products or not.

Our advice? Combine payment strategies with good organic international strategies. The results will be much better!


Let’s not forget the content language

However, if the content of our landing page in another language is poor, potential clients will get a bad image of our brand and be put off buying any of our products. It happens the same with international email marketing campaings.

Always trust professional translators who know how to carry out the best localization strategies, so that globalising your landing page becomes effective.

No leads, no business!

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

CEO de Ontranslation y Ontraining, Óscar es experto en internacionalización, Traducción SEO y comunicación intercultural. Con más de 14 años de experiencia, un máster en Tradumática y un MBA, combina su labor como consultor con la docencia en la UAB, donde forma a traductores profesionales en SEO y SEM. Sus estrategias y conocimientos ayudan a marcas globales a superar barreras culturales y alcanzar el éxito en mercados internacionales.

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