Translation quote: how to ask a translation agency for one

We get to the office, turn on the computer and there’s a new email in our inbox: “Translation quote”. It might seem like everything is going to be clear but, will it though? Not at all… We start reading the email and realise you are a bit lost when it comes to asking for a translation services quote. How can we fix that?  Communicating with them, of course.

We thought that if we explain some of the aspects to take into account when asking a translation company for a quote, we might be able to answer a few of your questions in advance.

What to do before asking for a translation quote

When asking for a translation quote, many people have quite a few questions. It’s normal to have questions, of course. But if we ask ourselves what we want, communicating with those who are going to provide us with a quote for the translation will be much easier. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I want to translate? Maybe I want to translate my website, a translation into English of all my company’s communication material or just want some key documents translated, as for instance, your financial statements
  • Into which languages? Maybe I want a quote for a translation into English but also want to know the price for a translation into German or the rates for a translation into Russian, for example.
  • When do I need it for? Can I wait for long or do I need my project in one week max?
  • Do I have any extra or specific requirements? Documents with a final layout, for example. Or the text in a specific format (like subtitles in .srt).

How to find the best translation agency for your project

It’s OK to want to compare prices, but at Ontranslation translation company, we advocate quality over saving a few Euros. Think about what you need, since there are translation companies that specialise in different things.

If you need to translate a restaurant menu, translate ecommerce or website localization services, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Give us a shout!

In case you are looking into several quotes, make sure you don’t request too many. Let the companies know you’re deciding among several options. So we can plan better on the other side!

Read all the information on the translation services quote!

We know you’re going to open it and go straight to the total amount. And again, we completely understand! But if the price looks right or you think it’s reasonable, read the translation quote carefully to understand all the details of what we’re offering you.

More so if you’re comparing several quotes! You’ll often find answers to price differences within the conditions of each service.

A translation project entails many different things. There are companies that take into account the variants and cultural differences of each language. So they would translate into Brazilian or Portuguese from Portugal, for example.

Or rather the intricacies of your target audience: tone, and degree of formality, for instance. Other translation agencies simply don’t and that might be why the prices are different.

Don’t be afraid of asking for more information

If you have any questions, just ask. Send us an email or call us, or ask us to give you a call. Professional translators are usually quite nerdy about our field, so we’ll be happy to explain all the details of the project you’ve asked us a translation quote for.

Don’t be shy! That’s what account managers are there for. They’re usually lovely people who’ll be delighted to explain the details of the translation project. In fact, they will accompany you on your journey into being understood and selling across borders.

How to streamline a translation project?

We’d like you to understand that as a translation company, we’re here to help and to explain everything you need. We have no doubt about that. But you have to remember that it takes time and effort so the more information you can give us in advance, the shorter it will take for your translation project to start.

Having a clear idea of what you need will help us get the ball rolling sooner or take into account more details for your translation quote. And of course, we insist: Don’t hesitate to ask us any question you have!

About the author

Oscar Nogueras

CEO de Ontranslation y Ontraining, Óscar es experto en internacionalización, Traducción SEO y comunicación intercultural. Con más de 14 años de experiencia, un máster en Tradumática y un MBA, combina su labor como consultor con la docencia en la UAB, donde forma a traductores profesionales en traducción SEO y SEM. Sus estrategias y conocimientos ayudan a marcas globales a superar barreras culturales y alcanzar el éxito en mercados internacionales.

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